Principle A2: Editing-views are perceivable

Guideline A2.1: Make alternative content available to authors

A2.1.1: Text Alternatives for Rendered Non-Text Content (Level A)

If an editing-view renders non-text content, then any programmatically associated text alternatives for the non-text content can be programmatically determined.

The intent of this success criterion is that any non-text content should have a text alternative (alt text) that is programmatically associated with it. This will help authors to orient and navigate as they edit content.

A2.1.2: Alternatives for Rendered Time-Based Media (Level A)

If an editing-view renders time-based media, then at least one of the following is true:
Option to Render
The authoring tool provides the option to render alternatives for the time-based media; or
User Agent Option
Authors have the option to preview the time-based media in a user agent that is able to render the alternatives.

The intent of this success criterion is that alternatives for time-based media, such as captions, are made available to authors whilst they are editing. Where possible, this should be in the editing view but there are situations where that wouldn't be possible. In that case, authors should be able to access the alternative in a different user agent. This might apply, for example, when editing audio from a video in an audio editor such as Adobe Audition. The captions might only be available in Adobe Premiere Pro, but the author can still access them.

Guideline A2.2: Ensure that editing-view presentation can be programmatically determined

A2.2.1: Editing-View Status Indicators (Level A)

If an editing-view adds status indicators to the content being edited, then the information being conveyed by the status indicators can be programmatically determined.

The intent of this success criterion is that status messages and indicators are made available to assistive software users. This might include things like spelling errors, tracked changes, etc.

A2.2.2: Access to Rendered Text Properties (Level AA)

If an editing-view renders any text formatting properties that authors can also edit using the editing-view, then the properties can be programmatically determined.

The intent of this success criterion is that any text formatting information that sighted users can see, is made available to assistive software so that authors with a visual impairment know what their audience will experience. This might apply to things like font family, size and colour, bold and italics, and any other visual formatting options.
