Principle A1: Authoring tool user interfaces follow applicable accessibility guidelines

Guideline A1.1: Ensure that web-based functionality is accessible

A1.1.1: Web-Based Accessible (WCAG) (Level A)

If the authoring tool contains web-based user interfaces, then those web-based user interfaces meet the WCAG 2.0 success criteria.

The intent of this success criterion is that any web-based or partially web-based authoring tool user interface conforms to the existing requirements of WCAG. At the time ATAG was published, it referred to WCAG 2.0 but it would now be reasonable to expect conformance with WCAG 2.2, as this is the published version.

Guideline A1.2: Ensure that non-web-based functionality is accessible

A1.2.1: Accessibility Guidelines (Level A)

If the authoring tool contains non-web-based user interfaces, then those non-web-based user interfaces follow user interface accessibility guidelines for the platform.

The intent of this success criterion is that non-web-based authoring tool user interfaces conform to existing platform accessibility guidelines. These are not specifically referenced anywhere, but it allows conformance to any guidelines that apply. In the Related Resources section, there are links to a variety of examples of such guidelines, organised by operating system.

A1.2.2: Platform Accessibility Services (Level A)

If the authoring tool contains non-web-based user interfaces, then those non-web-based user interfaces expose accessibility information through platform accessibility services.

The intent of this success criterion is that any non-web-based authoring tool user interface conforms to existing platform accessibility services. These differ from the platform guidelines for some platforms.
