WEBVTT 1 00:00:06.666 --> 00:00:08.266 This video will show you how 2 00:00:08.266 --> 00:00:11.666 to create an index sheet for your Excel workbook. 3 00:00:12.866 --> 00:00:15.666 I have an Excel workbook that I'm beginning to build 4 00:00:15.666 --> 00:00:18.266 and it currently has four sheets. 5 00:00:18.266 --> 00:00:22.666 In the last session I renamed them index, Dragon sheet and summary, 6 00:00:22.866 --> 00:00:25.266 and since then I've added a fourth one, action plan. 7 00:00:26.466 --> 00:00:29.466 I'm going to use this first sheet, index, 8 00:00:29.933 --> 00:00:34.066 to guide users to the other sheets and to provide a bit of a summary. 9 00:00:34.933 --> 00:00:37.733 So in this video, I'm going to create the links 10 00:00:38.066 --> 00:00:41.200 to the other worksheets so that people can access those rather 11 00:00:41.200 --> 00:00:44.000 like a table of contents. 12 00:00:44.200 --> 00:00:48.133 Cell A1 is where I'm going to put my summary of the workbook 13 00:00:48.133 --> 00:00:51.266 and some instructions. We'll do that in the next video. 14 00:00:52.466 --> 00:00:56.333 For now, I'm going to create internal links to the other sheets 15 00:00:56.333 --> 00:01:01.133 in my spreadsheet. So I'm going to do that in one of several ways. 16 00:01:01.333 --> 00:01:05.266 I'm going to right click on the cell and select Link. 17 00:01:08.066 --> 00:01:10.866 That brings up a dialogue box. 18 00:01:10.866 --> 00:01:13.866 I'm going to choose place in this workbook 19 00:01:15.466 --> 00:01:17.133 and for the first one 20 00:01:17.133 --> 00:01:20.066 I want it to go to Dragon tests. 21 00:01:21.000 --> 00:01:23.133 When I click on that, it 22 00:01:23.133 --> 00:01:26.000 fills in the text to display in the top box 23 00:01:26.266 --> 00:01:28.466 and it currently says Dragon tests 24 00:01:29.066 --> 00:01:31.666 and then points to cell A1. 25 00:01:31.666 --> 00:01:33.800 I don't want the cell A1 bit there 26 00:01:33.800 --> 00:01:37.933 and I don't really want the quotes. 27 00:01:37.933 --> 00:01:40.466 I just want Dragon tests. 28 00:01:40.466 --> 00:01:42.466 The cell reference that's in the second box 29 00:01:42.466 --> 00:01:45.800 is the cell on that worksheet that it will go to. 30 00:01:45.800 --> 00:01:49.733 By default, this is always cell A1 and that's where I want it to go. 31 00:01:50.400 --> 00:01:52.133 I'll click okay. 32 00:01:53.000 --> 00:01:54.333 And in cell 33 00:01:54.333 --> 00:01:57.800 A2, I now have a link to Dragon tests, 34 00:01:57.800 --> 00:02:00.600 and that will take me to the Dragon test sheet. 35 00:02:01.000 --> 00:02:02.733 I'm going to do the same for the next one. 36 00:02:04.533 --> 00:02:06.800 So I'm going to click in cell A3, 37 00:02:08.466 --> 00:02:11.333 and I'm going to go to the insert menu 38 00:02:11.333 --> 00:02:15.000 and I'm going to insert a link. 39 00:02:15.666 --> 00:02:17.933 Again, I'm going to a place in this document. 40 00:02:17.933 --> 00:02:20.733 This time I'm going to summary 41 00:02:20.866 --> 00:02:24.733 and again, I'm going to delete the information from the text to display, that 42 00:02:24.733 --> 00:02:28.133 I don't want to see and click okay. 43 00:02:28.800 --> 00:02:31.000 This time I'm going to use the keyboard. 44 00:02:31.000 --> 00:02:35.200 So first of all, I'm going to go down from the, from cell A3 into cell A4. 45 00:02:36.333 --> 00:02:39.733 I'm going to use the alt key to bring up a list of menus 46 00:02:40.800 --> 00:02:44.600 and N for insert. 47 00:02:44.600 --> 00:02:46.933 I and 2 will take me to link, 48 00:02:48.000 --> 00:02:50.466 and then I for link. 49 00:02:51.266 --> 00:02:54.200 By default, I'm in the type the cell reference field. 50 00:02:55.133 --> 00:02:58.666 I'm going to hit the tab key to go to select a place in this document 51 00:02:58.933 --> 00:03:03.733 and then use my arrow keys to go down to action plan. 52 00:03:04.000 --> 00:03:07.666 I'm going to hit the tab key again and that will take me to text to display. 53 00:03:08.333 --> 00:03:13.533 I'm going to hit the end key and then use my backspace button and the arrow keys 54 00:03:14.800 --> 00:03:16.800 to navigate around there and delete the information 55 00:03:16.800 --> 00:03:20.133 I don't want. 56 00:03:20.133 --> 00:03:21.266 That's now correct. 57 00:03:21.266 --> 00:03:25.200 I'm going to use the tab key again, once, twice to get to 58 00:03:25.200 --> 00:03:27.600 Okay and then hit enter. 59 00:03:27.600 --> 00:03:31.466 And now I have that action plan in cell A4. 60 00:03:32.333 --> 00:03:35.066 My final task is to make those cells a little bit bigger. 61 00:03:35.400 --> 00:03:36.733 We will be doing that again 62 00:03:36.733 --> 00:03:40.000 in the next session when we put the information in cell A1, 63 00:03:40.400 --> 00:03:43.800 but for now, I'm going to right click and go to column width 64 00:03:45.000 --> 00:03:47.933 and I don't need to make it much bigger, 65 00:03:47.933 --> 00:03:51.266 so I'm going to make it say 15 and hit enter. 66 00:03:52.266 --> 00:03:54.533 That's it. So now I've got an index sheet. 67 00:03:54.866 --> 00:03:57.266 The summary link is in a different colour because I visited it. 68 00:03:57.800 --> 00:03:59.800 So I've got a link to Dragon tests, 69 00:04:00.533 --> 00:04:04.466 and that takes me to cell A1 on Dragon tests, to summary 70 00:04:05.666 --> 00:04:08.466 and that takes me to my summary sheet, 71 00:04:08.466 --> 00:04:10.800 and to action plan 72 00:04:10.800 --> 00:04:12.933 and that takes me to action plan. 73 00:04:12.933 --> 00:04:16.333 So that's how you create an index sheet for your workbook.